Our Activities

Bible Lessons

For Personal or Small Group Use At Greater Phoenix Church of God we believe the Bible is God inspired “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16). By knowing the Bible we are able to “Test all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

Downloadable Bible Lessons:

Children's Lessons

Safe, Fun, Loving Bible Concepts Your kids can have a great big life with a great big God. A place where faith, imagination, and learning go hand in hand. A place where loving God is cool and kids rule! Our childrens ministry serves toddlers through 6th grade.

Downloadable Children’s Lessons:


Greater Phoenix Church of God incorporates traditional hymns for their worship service. Our main goal is to magnify the greatness of God the Father & Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.


In-House, Guest and DVD Speakers At Greater Phoenix Church of God we invite and incorporate highly knowledgeable biblical speakers for our congregation.

Men's Ministries

Prayer is one of the ways we can talk to our Heavenly Father. Prayer, though very personal, can move us closer to God our Father. The scriptures teach us that God hears all our prayers, He also weighs them to measure the intent of our hearts.

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We Gather Every Saturday


In-House, Guest and DVD Speakers At Greater Phoenix Church of God we invite and incorporate highly knowledgeable biblical speakers for our congregation.

Join us Saturdays at 10:30 for our live Sermons.

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Who We Are

Humble Beginnings with Great Purpose

What to expect

Saturdays at 4300 North 82nd Street, Scottsdale.

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about us

A Community of Believers

Greater Phoenix Church of God is small but mighty. Our worship services welcome from 25 to 100 people each Saturday who come from all walks of life, joined together by their faith and belief. Couples, singles, and families worship here. Young and old pray together. We are a family.

On the second Saturday of each month, we welcome members and visitors to join us for a potluck lunch following the service. For these special meetings, we bring in speakers to educate and enlighten us on a variety of topics to share God’s word.

As a community, we support each other as well as our neighbors. Currently, we give to a local food bank, the homeless, and community-based projects. We also sponsor a church in Africa to provide much-needed services to the residents there.

On our campus, we offer bible studies, children’s lessons, and men’s and women’s groups.

Give from Your Heart

Greater Phoenix Church of God is small but mighty. Our worship services welcome from 25 to 100 people each Saturday who come from all walks of life, joined together by their faith and belief. Couples, singles, and families worship here. Young and old pray together. We are a family.

LISTEN: Gideon Part 1

Find our sermons on YouTube

Creation . Redemption . Restoration .

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